ebsr - Research and development in biosensor technology

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Biosensors for Human Health, Food Industry, and Environmental Monitoring

The biosensors developed by EcoBioServices are properly-designed tools to carry out screening analyses directly in the field.

Accurate analysis and immediate results

Our products make possible accurate, specific and/or selective analyses through cheap, easy-to-handle tools giving immediate results. These intrinsic qualities are important in all sectors that need to operate with reliable and efficient tools.

Research for the development of analytical biosensors - EBSR

Among the various areas, two broad application areas where the biosensors developed by EBSR are particularly effective are:

Monitoring of human health parameters
Monitoring of the food industry supply chain
Environmental monitoring and other industrial process control


In the recent past, the clinical-diagnostic field has been the main scene of significant development and success of electrochemical biosensors able of performing fast analyses. One of the most significant example at a commercial level is the so-called "glucose pen", which allows a diabetic patient to know the blood sugar value with precision and accuracy at any time of the day.
The echo obtained in the clinical field has meant that the growing attention for biosensors has invested other areas such as the food and pharmaceutical industries.
It is not a coincidence that, in the field of food analysis, biosensors can be used to analyse some of components which must be determined with high sensitivity and specificity, but also in a fast and unexpensive way. A similar approach is sarting to be used also for pharmaceutical products. Other approaches are also to detect chemical compounds considered as indicators, as example, of food microbial contamination or degradation due by oxidative processes.
Bionsensors can therefore be used in food freshness validation, and to evaluate the goodness of a storage process, under certain conditions, of some food or pharmaceutical products, as well as to reveal the presence of contaminants as chemical compounds, toxins, additives, preservatives, etc.

Research for the development of analytical biosensors - EBSR

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EBSR - EcoBioServices and Researches